1. “Komm, Gott Schöpfer, heiliger Geist” (Come, God Creator)(BWV 667, ca. 1708-17)
2. “Wachet auf, ruft uns die Stimme” (Awake, the Voice commands) BWV 645, from the cantata BWV 140, ca. 1731)
3. “Nun komm’ der Heiden Heiland” (Now comes the gentiles’ Savior)(BWV 659, ca.1708-17)
4. “Nun freut euch, lieben Christen gmein” (Rejoice, beloved Christians) (BWV 734a, ca. 1708-17)
5. “Ich ruf’ zu dir, Herr Jesu Christ” (I call on Thee, Lord Jesus Christ) (BWV 639, from Das Orgelbüchlein, Part III, 1713-17)
6. “Herr Gott, nun schleuß den Himmel auf”(Lord God, now open heaven’s gate)(BWV 617, from Das Orgelbüchlein, Part III, 1713-17)
7. “Durch Adam Fall ist ganz verderbt”(All is lost through Adam’s fall) (First version) (BWV 637, from Das Orgelbüchlein, Part III, 1713-17)
8. “Durch Adam Fall ist ganz verderbt”(All is lost through Adam’s fall) (Second version)(BWV 705)
9. “In dir ist Freude” (In You is joy) (BWV 615, from Das Orgelbüchlein, Part III, 1713-17)
10. “Jesus Christus, unser Heiland” (Jesus Christ, Our Savior) (BWV 665,ca.1798-9)
11. Chaconne in D Minor (From the second violin partita, BWV 1004)
Organ Toccata in C Major (BWV 564)
12. Preludio, quasi improvvisando
13. Intermezzo, adagio- il soprano con intimo e sempre cantando
14. Fuga, Moderatamente scherzando, un poco umoristico
發行日期 : 2013/11/21
唱片編號 : CD149
國際條碼 : 0798167997973